
I’m lonely, there I’ve said it. I spend my nights on tumblr and twitter talking to myself. People don’t initiate convocations with me because I’m boring, ugly and I have a shit personality and I don’t initiate convocations with them for the same reasons. So really I only have myself to blame. I live in the constant mind set that one day things will change and some good looking guy will turn up outside my window singing me a cringey love song on his guitar, but that will never happen for reason such as 1). I live in a shitey village miles away from any good looking boys 2). my life isn’t some excellent movie or book series.

So there I have it, the only way things will change is if I change, and also lower my expectations of the male species because really, a hot boy singing outside of your window, dream on.

Over and Out

I’m over him, I don’t know how it happened but it did.

I was sat in my ICT lesson and we were messing around teasing each other and I realised, I’m cool with being his friend, I don’t want anything more, I’m just happy, just chill. It’s funny though, how someone in your head can mean so much to you and then one day you can just get over them, how those feelings can disappear, its weird? I don’t know, it makes me doubt myself to whether I actually liked him or not, or maybe the part of ‘him’ I liked was just an adapted personality i’d made up to go with the scenarios in my head?

I’m confusing

People confuse me

***This blog post is probably going to sound really big headed and one sided, so yeah here’s a disclaimer I’m not at all a big headed person and I don’t mean to come across as if i’m making out that i deserve ‘better’ or that I think i’m ‘gods gift to man kind’ but yeah um****

I’m just going to go straight into this,

Recently random boys have started talking to me on social website such as ‘facebook’ asking me weird questions like ‘if i’m with anyone’ or just complimenting me, but not actually starting a convocation. This is seriously freaking me out because what i mean by ‘random boys’ is boys who go to my school but don’t talk to me at all, like never ever ever. And it’s bugging me because non of these boys have ever made any attempt to talk to me in person or to get to know me, they’re just popping up with all these compliments and questions and i hate it. I hate the thought of someone ‘liking’ me just for the way I look without knowing what i’m actually like in person, or even worse just complementing me because they think i’m desperate and that i’m an easy target, which I am not. Although I know some of you are probably thinking ‘oh well they’re just being nice,’ but in reality they’re just picking on people who have some form of a decent profile picture and talking to them in a hope of ‘getting with them’. But they could be doing this with 5 girls at a time, which just screams out desperation on their behalf. And it isn’t just boys who do it but girls too, but why? Why are teenagers so desperate to be in a relationship? What happened to liking people for who they are, not just how they look?

People are confusing

Life is confusing

I don’t get it at all

Day 5

5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex.

*side note: these 5 things don’t apply to all boys because some are actually nice human beings and these are normally the traits of the ‘popular boys’ aka the dick heads*

1. Boys who get annoyingly competitive and aggressive in PE, we’re doing a lesson not fighting a war.

2. Boys who are sex pests and only see girls as sex objects.

3. Boys who constantly brag about how drunk they got at the weekend and how many girls they ‘pulled’ – shut up no one cares

4. Boys who think they are gods gift to women – reality check, you’re not

5. Boys who feel the need to put other boys/girls down by pointing out their flaws  just for a ‘laugh’ whilst trying to impress their friends.

P.S – I’m aware that some of these points can also apply to girls, both genders are guilty of practically the same things, its just that we all wear our trousers in different ways.

Till tomorrow amigos